
topics of the day...

A CNN article on Tulsa's state of woe (Ed. Note: seems to have disappeared)
My slimp3 should arrive today... Joy

House of the future!

The great 2003 ethernetification project is complete.

35 Wrappers added to archive

It had been ages since I touched ye olde QCCBWIA and the wrappers were piling up. This should get me up-to-date on missing wrappers. Now I need to catch up with some updated designs that are out there.

Unrelated (or is it?): What's the deal with crickets in my house? Where's the breach?!

Don't be a bonehead - look up, see mars.

New site design!

Hooray... I finally updated this place.
I was hoping for a table-less layout and go full-CSS... but nooo.. browser variances and bugs put the kybosh on those blue-sky goals.

But it's still simpler, should look the same on any half-modern browser, and uses a single template and 2 style sheets.

I'm sure you wanted to know... Need to fill space on the front page some how.
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