
Holy Moly!

The anouncers can return to their St Joe fan club meeting now.

Go Pokes

Ugly game and a win. Woot.

And an update on previous post... It would appear my CD drive died during the reinstall.. that would explain the problems.


T'was a weekend full of reinstalling joy.
My PC was long overdue for an OS upgrade. After I had that taken care of, this here server - feeling neglected - up and died. Had a rough time salvaging data off the disk and getting past "hal.dll" errors when reinstalling. So, the good 'ol website was down nearly all day Sun...

And "Go Pokes!"

Good TV

Last night I caught the 2nd half of the Futurama episode "Jurassic Bark." Perhaps the most touching episode of anything I've ever seen. And it was an animated sitcom!

And, in my opinion, King of the Hill is the funniest thing on TV right now.


As of last week I'm surfin' on cable.
I decided not to renew my DSL contract and in the process finally get cable-TV. Transition was mostly painless. It took me a while to realize that Cox blocks port 80, so I had to set up a little redirect through DynDNS.

I'll probably be dropping my phone service altogether in the near future. Cell phone's all I need.

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